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Nykøbing Katedralskole

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School name: Nykøbing Katedralskole

School address: Poul Martin Møllersvej 3

City: Nykøbing Falster

Area Code: DK - 4800

School Phone Number:  004554849000

Age range of students: 15-20

Number of Students: 800

Number of Teachers: 60

Describe the type of daily scheduling your school follows:

Daily scheduling: from 8:00 am - 3:05 pm during where we are teaching different subjects. Our lessons last 90 minutes, and we have same-subject modules of 2 lessons almost daily.

Compulsive subjects and electives are being taught every day as well.

During what periods of time throughout the calendar year are students on holiday or vacation:

 Summer holidays     : End of June - Beginning of August

Midterm                    : Week 42, October

Christmas holidays   : End of December - Beginning of January

Winter semester      : Week 7, February

Easter vacation         : March/April (1 week)

Describe your student body (their background, interests, aspirations):

 Our students have different social backgrounds - typically middle class, though - and most of them will attend college in the cities after having graduated. Our school is a Sixth Form College qualifying for most college and university degrees.

Describe the community in which your school is located:

Nykøbing Katedralskole is placed in a small town Nykøbing Falster in which we are 20,000 inhabitants. The students come from the region Guldborgsund with 60,000 inhabitants. The area is quite close to the capital, Copenhagen (approx. 100 km) and is characterized by industry and agriculture.

Our school is close to the border to Germany, only about 3½ hours’ drive from Berlin.

What makes your school unique? What would you want a partner school to know about you?

Nykøbing Katedralskole is a brilliant example of a Nordic welfare model in which the state through taxes finances solid and free education for the citizens. The students come from all social layers and are offered the same conditions no matter what the parental income is. 

The school is beautifully situated close to forest and beach in a part of Denmark which has developed from being an agricultural region to being a welfare society.

 Our school tries to incorporate the UN development goals in our everyday life. Our school tries be a “green” school.

Please describe you school’s technological capacity and students’ access to computers in classrooms.

 All students have their own computers and the school offers free wireless net. The school has placed computers all over the premises and most classrooms are equipped with electronic boards.

Expertise: Nykøbing Katedralskole is a general high school with a wide range of subjects (language, social science, creative arts (music, art, media studies) and science). 

Our school has a talent coordinator who arrange students to participate in national competitions (chemistry, mathematics, a. o.). 

We have a poem-club where students read their poems or novels to an audience at ex the public library in Nykøbing Falster.

At our school, we are firmly experienced in teaching in innovation and creative processes. We have lots of teachers with experience and knowledge in planning and implement projects.


This is our official brochure about our school. 



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