Erasmus +
Program C2 Denmark - December 2020 - January 2021
Tasks students |
Tasks teachers/coordinators |
Until 30th of November 2020 |
All students participating in C2 DK must have had an introduction in all three tasks in their own country: Task 1: Everyday life Task 2: School policies, local strategies Task 3: Survey |
Meetings with students Make sure that all the participants know all three tasks (and not only the one that they have worked on themselves)
Until 4th of December 2020 |
Make 6 international groups with students from each country
9th of December – 11th of December 2020 |
The students say hello to their group members and arrange a platform on eTwinning (alternatively other social media). International group 1: Corona everyday life International group 2: Corona everyday life 1. See the videos 2. Analyze differences between before and after covid-19. Are there any country-differences how the students react? What have the schools and society done? Decrease in depression? Which effect has Covid-19 had on behaviour, emotions, social life? International group 3: School policies /local strategies International group 4: School policies /local strategies 1. Read the policies 2. Discuss the differences in the school policies. Which pros and cons do you see in the different policies? International group 5: Survey International group 6: Survey 1. Make a final analyze of the surveys. Presentation of each country and their survey results. Are there country-differences? What is significant in numbers, differences? |
Make sure, that each group upload their thoughts/notes/discussions on eTwinning (alternatively other social media or the project website) by the 15th of December 2020 |
Tuesday the 12th of January 2021 |
Welcome Short presentation of all participants (names/school) Video of Lolland Falster Region Kahoot with questions to Denmark – how much do you know? |
Arrange Google Meet meeting - international |
Wednesday the 13th of January 2021 |
09:00 – 09:15 What is depression? Presentation from Danish students (task 4) 09:30 – 10:30 Guestspeaker (biology) (Physiological view on depression) 10:30 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 12:00 Guestspeaker from Headspace (Working with teenage depression) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 Guestspeaker (case – real story) |
Arrange Google Meet meeting - international |
Thursday the 14th of January 2021 |
The international groups are mixed within their tasks. Group 1 and 2 are mixed. Group 3 and 4 are mixed. Group 5 and 6 are mixed. Now the new six groups work with the final task: a. Task nr. 1: Write an article to the school homepage and the local newspaper/eTwinning b. Task nr.2: Final suggestion for best policy -> make 10 best suggestions for school strategy (guideline – what to do?). Visions and praxis. c. Task nr. 3: Make a short presentation and write an article about the European differences in depression among students. Are students depressed? Why are there differences between the countries? Posters (own language + English) Articles (own language + English) Guidelines (own language + English) |
Support groups during their work |
Friday the 15th of January 2021 |
Presentation of final work: Posters, guidelines and articles Evaluation |
Evaluation |