Project Description

"Impossible becomes possible - young entrepreneurs in action” Erasmus+ project concentrates on active citizenship, entrepreneurship and social inclusion. It gives an opportunity to implement ideas, create and use products in cooperation with the local communities. During each project meeting we are concentrating on dealing with individual problems, such as:

- SMOG and environmental pollution (visit in Poland),

- Teenage depression (visit in Denmark),

- Insufficient knowledge about one’s town/region/country or their heritage (visit in Italy),

- Decreased interest in high culture (visit in Greece),

- Negative impact of technological advancement on communication (visit in Spain).

We share the view that to be an active citizen and a successful entrepreneur as well as to improve one's understanding of the complex world, one needs to be efficiently educated and guided so that they can be able to deal with obstacles in life. It is common knowledge that education is a lifelong process requiring high motivation and regular support. By choosing the topic of our project we aimed to provide such motivation and support and ensure students have enough first-hand experience in

creating things on their own, sharing their ideas with the wider public, cooperating with the local community and enjoying the sense of satisfaction with observing the result of their work. The project helps popularize the idea of social inclusion, making it possible for those unprivileged in life to put their ideas into practice, broaden their knowledge, become more open minded, make friends with peers from abroad and improve their language skills. We hope the created products and achieved results will make the participants be role models in promoting the idea of active citizenship and entrepreneurship.

Poland is the coordinating country and act as a prompter and motivator ensuring the smooth cooperation and efficient communication. However, the tasks are distributed evenly among the other partners from Denmark, Greece, Italy and Spain. The students participating in the project are aged 15-18 and attend general secondary schools.

The main objective of the project is to encourage students to be more active citizens capable of identifying surrounding problems and dealing with them effectively. This can be done by involving them in several tasks performed locally. Doing the tasks requires working in groups, creative thinking, doing research and making analyses. Consequently, the project participants will be more aware of what issues they need to deal with in future life and will help improve living and educational standards both in their schools and local communities. The project covers a wide range of areas

such as ecology, health, career opportunities, economy, tourism, art, social problems. Its participantswill expand the area of their action and go beyond the school borders. The activities carried out during the project as well as its outcomes are sustainable and easy to access.


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