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The presentations given by each country made everyone familiar with the characteristics of each school, landmarks in the region as well as general information about each participating country.

The official LOGO of the project has been chosen. 

The choice was made out of eleven LOGOS sent by students from each participating country.

SMOG ALERT CAMPAIGN – distributing leaflets to the local community. 

The students ran an informative campaign. The leaflets and posters were made by the students during workshops.

Workshops for students – working out ideas on how to prevent SMOG HOW TO PREVENT SMOG.

Read more to find out about the students' ideas.

Leaflets designed by the students participating in C1 meeting in Poland. The leaflets and posters were used to run an informative campaign call SMOG ALERT aimed at increasing people's awareness of SMOG issue.

Read More to find out what ideas he students came up with.

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