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A tour round Grójec included visiting St Nicolas's Church, Town Square, Town Hall and a mural in pencil registered in the Guinness World Record Book.



SMOG ALERT CAMPAIGN – distributing leaflets to the local community. 

The students ran an informative campaign. The leaflets and posters were made by the students during workshops.

Workshops for students – assembling a home-made device used to measure the level of SMOG and installing devices, joining in the global SMOG measuring system. The workshops were run by Emilia Piotrowska and Wojciech Sanko from Warsaw SMOG Alarm.

Workshops for students – working out ideas on how to prevent SMOG HOW TO PREVENT SMOG.

Read more to find out about the students' ideas.

The visit in Poland saw an enjoyable integration evening - TALENT NIGHT.

Lots of fun, a special treat, home-made food, was prepared by Polish students. Talent Night was attended by Santa Claus and his team of helpers. During the integration evening everyone could present their talents. The audience could admire gifted singers, piano players, dancers, entertainers, sportsmen, etc.

By the end of the evening a group of Polish scouts engaged everyone in a few dances.

Unforgettable memories guaranteed! 


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