Activities during the visit
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- Kategori: Activities during the visit
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Erasmus +
Program C2 Denmark - December 2020 - January 2021
Tasks students |
Tasks teachers/coordinators |
Until 30th of November 2020 |
All students participating in C2 DK must have had an introduction in all three tasks in their own country: Task 1: Everyday life Task 2: School policies, local strategies Task 3: Survey |
Meetings with students Make sure that all the participants know all three tasks (and not only the one that they have worked on themselves)
Until 4th of December 2020 |
Make 6 international groups with students from each country
9th of December – 11th of December 2020 |
The students say hello to their group members and arrange a platform on eTwinning (alternatively other social media). International group 1: Corona everyday life International group 2: Corona everyday life 1. See the videos 2. Analyze differences between before and after covid-19. Are there any country-differences how the students react? What have the schools and society done? Decrease in depression? Which effect has Covid-19 had on behaviour, emotions, social life? International group 3: School policies /local strategies International group 4: School policies /local strategies 1. Read the policies 2. Discuss the differences in the school policies. Which pros and cons do you see in the different policies? International group 5: Survey International group 6: Survey 1. Make a final analyze of the surveys. Presentation of each country and their survey results. Are there country-differences? What is significant in numbers, differences? |
Make sure, that each group upload their thoughts/notes/discussions on eTwinning (alternatively other social media or the project website) by the 15th of December 2020 |
Tuesday the 12th of January 2021 |
Welcome Short presentation of all participants (names/school) Video of Lolland Falster Region Kahoot with questions to Denmark – how much do you know? |
Arrange Google Meet meeting - international |
Wednesday the 13th of January 2021 |
09:00 – 09:15 What is depression? Presentation from Danish students (task 4) 09:30 – 10:30 Guestspeaker (biology) (Physiological view on depression) 10:30 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 12:00 Guestspeaker from Headspace (Working with teenage depression) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 Guestspeaker (case – real story) |
Arrange Google Meet meeting - international |
Thursday the 14th of January 2021 |
The international groups are mixed within their tasks. Group 1 and 2 are mixed. Group 3 and 4 are mixed. Group 5 and 6 are mixed. Now the new six groups work with the final task: a. Task nr. 1: Write an article to the school homepage and the local newspaper/eTwinning b. Task nr.2: Final suggestion for best policy -> make 10 best suggestions for school strategy (guideline – what to do?). Visions and praxis. c. Task nr. 3: Make a short presentation and write an article about the European differences in depression among students. Are students depressed? Why are there differences between the countries? Posters (own language + English) Articles (own language + English) Guidelines (own language + English) |
Support groups during their work |
Friday the 15th of January 2021 |
Presentation of final work: Posters, guidelines and articles Evaluation |
Evaluation |
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- Kategori: Activities during the visit
- Visninger: 3868
Social meeting on Google Meets Short video of Lolland – Falster (sightseeing in the region) Danish Kahoot with 20 questions about our traditions, culture, food, etc. A “Skål” to a good project 😊 |
What is depression? - Presentation from Danish students Guest speaker - Ida (biology-teacher) - Physiological view on depression Guest speaker - case – real story from Headspace Guest speaker from Headspace – office member – working with teenage depression Guest speaker - female adult Discussions in international groups: “What have we learned today and how can we use our new knowledge in our work tomorrow?” |
Workshops in international groups. Group 1 and 2 are mixed -> Group A and B. Group 3 and 4 are mixed -> Group C and D Group 5 and 6 are mixed -> Group E and F Now the new six groups work on the final task: A and B: Task 1: Write a 1-2 page article with a journalistic touch to the school website and the local newspaper C and D: Task 2: Make a poster with the final suggestion for best policy for the school OR for the individual class OR for general advertising -> make 10 best suggestions for the school strategy (guidelines – what to do?). E and F: Task 3: Make a short video presentation, a poster or write an article about the European differences in depression among students. Are students depressed? Why are there differences between the countries? Corona-song from Danish teachers |
Presentation of final work: Posters, guidelines and articles from each group. Evaluation |
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- Kategori: Activities during the visit
- Visninger: 3902
Make a short video presentation of everyday culture at your school/town:
- A day at school
- A typical lesson
- Family life
- Freetime and hobbies
Make a Power Point presentation on the policy your school runs in order to deal with the problem of teenage depression. You can include the answers to the following questions:
- Are there any full-time specialists (e.g. psychologist, doctor, nurse) in your school?
- What are the steps taken when a psychological problem is recognised? School strategy?
- Which institutions does your school cooperate with in order to deal with psychological problems?
- What is done to prevent the problem in your local community?
To find out how common the problem of teenage depression in your school is, make the survey (at least 50 students) and prepare a presentation of the results.