Presentations and other products

Presentations and other products

link to the Powerpoint from DK


We held our last meeting in Spain. As the topic we were dealing with was Technology and communication, we wanted to do a task that reflected how "Impossible BECAME possible" in the end using new technologies and social media to disseminate our product. We had been working together for more than two years, mostly in pandemic times, going through lots of difficulties to meet because of the different sanitary restrictions in every country. Our work allowed us to know from first hand what the situation was at school and in society in the different countries. This video reflects our joy to be able to carry out a closure to our project. We designed a logo which represented the topics dealt with, and we painted it in one of the walls of our school. Everything was recorded and we used STOP MOTION technology to make a short video. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did while working on it!


During the preparatory virtual meetings for the mobility in Spain, the students worked on the topic "USE AND MISUSE OF TECHNOLOGY". After the lockdown due to the sanitary situation derived by Covid-19, we focused this issue on the impact, drawbacks and benefits that the massive use of technology  and ICT had brought to our lives. Here you can see all the presentations we did for the different tasks:


TASK 1: collaborative PADLET. Presentation of all the main cities and towns in each country.

TASK 2: videos on Flipgrid. Students and teachers talked about the impact of online education during the lockdown.

TASK 3: survey (Google forms) to compare the use/abuse of social networks in the different countries.


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