Presentations and other products

Presentations and other products

File Upload: PRESENATION4.pptxPRESENTATION1.pptxTABLE2.docxTABLE3.docx

What are the SMOG causes and the possible solutions to the problem in Denmark, Greece, Italy, Spain and Poland?


File Upload: Task_1_POLISH_team.pptxSCHOOL_PRESENTATION__ITALY.pptx

The presentations given by each country made everyone familiar with the characteristics of each school, landmarks in the region as well as general information about each participating country.


File Upload: SMOG_POLAND.pptxWhat_is_smog._Denmark._Task_2pptxGreek_team_SMOG.pptxERASMUS_Task_2_ITALY.pptxPolicy_-_Italian_government__task_2.pptxtask2_SPANISH_team_SMOG.pptx

The following presentations are on the following issues related to SMOG: 

What is SMOG and how serious is it in your country and local area? What are its causes?

How does it affect people and the environment?

What is done to prevent it?

What is the policy of the government towards SMOG and related environmental issues?

File Upload: T3_SMOG_in_European_countries.pptxTask_3_Denmark__INETRNATIONALLY_NATIONALLY.pptx

The following presentations called “SMOG ALERT” present what has been and is being done Internationally / Nationally / Locally to solve the problem of SMOG.

File Upload: IDEAS1.docxIDEAS2.docxIDEAS3.docxIDEAS4.pptxIDEAS5.docxideas6.docxIDEAS7.docxideas8.docx

Students' ideas on HOW TO PREVENT SMOG.

The following designs of leaflets, flyers or posters helping to raise people’s awareness of the SMOG issue were made during workshops. The products have helped to run the informative campaign.



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