Presentations and other products
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- Written by denmark
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 3710
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 3917
The results of the survey about teenage depresssion.
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- Written by denmark
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 6751
Defeating Depression: Impossible becomes possible
Written by: Markus Nielsen, Laura Ophelia Christiansen, Flavia Piccolo, Flavia Bastano, Alessia Liquori, Oskar Witczak, Nikos Papangelis, Thodoris Triantafyllou, Maciej Sobierański, Katarzyna Kierszniewska, Laura Piqueras, Pau Domínguez
Depression is a common mental disorder affecting more than 264 million people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. Decreased sun exposure has been associated with a drop in your serotonin levels, which can lead to major depression with seasonal patterns. That's why in Northern countries the percentages of people who are affected from depression are higher
Depression changes the brain in a multitude of ways. Brain imaging studies show that depression is connected to changes in several parts of the brain. But there are three key parts of the brain which depression really changes.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4276
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4595
- File Upload: GROUP_D_POSTER.pdf
The poster was made by students taking part in C2 virtual meeting in Denmark 12-15th January 2021
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4530
- File Upload: GROUP_C_POSTER.pdf
The poster was made by students taking part in C2 virtual meeting in Denmark 12-15th January 2021
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4619
We hope the presentation on teenage depression made by students working in an international group during the virtual meeting in Denmark will give you an insight of the problem and let you understand how to cope with it.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4446
- File Upload: GROUP_E_POSTER.pdf
We hope the poster showing the similarities and differences regarding teenage depression in European countries, made by students working in an international group during the virtual meeting in Denmark, will help you understand the problem better and learn how to cope with it.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4680
- File Upload: GROUP_B_ARTICLE.pdf
We hope the article on teenage depression written by students working in an international group during the virtual meeting in Denmark will give you an insight of the problem and let you understand how to cope with it.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4690
- File Upload: GROUP_A_ARTICLE.pdf
We hope the article on teenage depression written by students working in an international group during the virtual meeting in Denmark will give you an insight of the problem and let you understand how to cope with it.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4565
- File Upload: GROUP_5.pdfGROUP_6.pptx
Students working in international groups have made the final analysis of the survey on teenage depression. The following presentations include the answers to the following questions: Are there similarities and differences between countries? What significant is in the numbers?
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4649
- File Upload: GROUP_3.pptx
Students working in international groups discussed the differences in the school policies on how to deal with teenage depression. In their presentations there are also pros and cons of the different policies.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4593
- File Upload: GROUP_1.pptxGROUP_2.pptx
Students working in international groups analyzed the situation before and after Covid-19 lockdowns an tried to answer the following questions: Are there any country differences about how the students have reacted? What have the schools and society done? Has there been any decrease in depression? What effect has Covid-19 had on behaviour, emotions, social life?
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- Written by Anna Pascual
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4575
We reached these results on our survey on teenage depression (Spain). You can also download the PDF with the results.
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- Written by Anna Pascual
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4657
You can tour our high school with this presentation.
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- Written by George Hlapanis
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4792
By the Greek team.
Article Komninos Kostoglou
Video1 Theodoris Triantafyllou and Nikos Papangelis
Video2 Sophia Bairaktaridou
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- Written by George Hlapanis
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4775
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4646
- File Upload: Italian_School_Presentation_for_C2_in_Denmark.pptx
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4643
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4502
- File Upload: SCHOOL_PRESENTATION_C2_Task1.pptx.pdf
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4604
Enjoy watching the school presentation from Denmark:
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 5018
- File Upload: Survey_results.pptxSurvey_Results_Analysis.docx
To find out how common the problem of teenage depression in our school is, we made a survey and prepared a presentation of the results.
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- Written by Possible
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4510
The following presentations show the policy which L.O. im. P.Skargi runs in order to deal with the problem of teenage depression. The students who made the presentations included the answers to the following questions:
Are there any full-time specialists (e.g. psychologist, doctor, nurse) in your school
What are the steps taken when a psychological problem is recognised? School strategy?
Which institutions does your school cooperate with in order to deal with psychological problems?
What is done to prevent the problem in your local community?
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- Written by George Hlapanis
- Category: Presentations and other products
- Hits: 4817
The Greek team was preparing for the C2 meeting in Denmark, originally scheduled to take place from 25/4/2020 to 1/5/2020.
The team consisted of 3 students (Pazinas Konstantinos, Triantafyllou Thoeodoros, Alavanos Thomas) and 2 teachers (Athina Minaidi and Daisy Perezou).
Unofrtunatelly, due to mobility restrictions imposed due to the corona virus (COVID19), the meeting has been postponed.
Nevertheless, the team had already prepared some presentations related to the meeting tasks.